Gregory F. Veramendi

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Google Scholar Page (Physics Publications)


The Gender Wage Gap: Skills, Sorting, and Returns
(with J. E. Humphries and J. Joensen) (2024), AEA Papers & Proceedings, 114, 259-64.

Sufficient Statistics for Frictional Wage Dispersion and Growth
(with R. Vejlin) (2023), Quantitative Economics, 14 (3), 935-979.

Gender Differences within the Firm: Evidence from Two Million Travelers
(with J. Donna) (2022), Journal of Human Resources, 57 (6): 1915-1945.

How Early Adolescent Skills and Preferences Shape Economics Education Choices
(with L. Fiala, J. E. Humphries, J. Joensen, U. Karna, and J. List) (2022), AEA Papers & Proceedings, 112: 609-13.

Networks, Frictions, and Price Dispersion
(with J. Donna and P. Schenone) (2020), Games and Economic Behavior, 124, 406-431.

Returns to Education: The Causal Effects of Education on Earnings, Health and Smoking
(with J. Heckman and J. E. Humphries) (2018), Journal of Political Economy, 126(S1), 197-246.

The Non-Market Benefits of Abilities and Education
(with J. Heckman and J. E. Humphries) (2018), Journal of Human Capital, 12(2), 282-304.

Dynamic Treatment Effects
(with J. Heckman and J. E. Humphries) (2016), Journal of Econometrics, 191(2), 276-292.

Frictions in Internet Auctions with Many Traders: a Counterexample
(with J. Donna and P. Schenone) (2016), Economics Letters, 138, 81-84.

Working Papers:

The Labor Market Returns to Delaying Pregnancy
(with Y. Gallen, J. Joensen, and E. Johansen) (2024).

Complementarities in High School and College Investments
(with J. E. Humphries and J. Joensen) (2024).

The Dynamics of Behavioral Responses During a Crisis
(with C. Hartung and J. Winter) (2024).

The Role of Sorting and Skill Prices in the Evolution of the College Premium
(with E. Dillon) (2019).

Rethinking Education Choice: The Effect of Surveys
(with L. Facchinello and J. Joensen) (2019).

Labor Market Dynamics: A Model of Search and Human Capital Accumulation (2011).

The Impact of Out-of-Home Childcare Centers on Early Childhood Development
(with S. Urzua) (2011).

In Progress:

College Major Choice: Sorting and Differential Returns to Skills
(with J. E. Humphries and J. Joensen).

Simultaneous Search and Market Power in Labor Markets
(with J. Donna, N. Sapargali, and R. Vejlin).

Last modified 5/2024