Gregory F. Veramendi

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Royal Holloway, University of London

  • Econometrics 2 : Spring 2023-2025
  • Applied Econometrics for Public Policy (Masters): Spring 2024, 2025
  • University of Munich

  • Market Power in Labor Markets (CES lecture series): Summer 2024
  • Econometrics (1st year graduate): Winter 2020, 2021
  • Structural Microeconometrics (2nd year graduate): Winter 2019
  • Seminars on Empirical Economics: Summer 2020-2021, 2024.
    • Topics: Economics of Diversity, Wage Determination in Labor Markets, Important Contributions by Women.

    Arizona State University

  • Introduction to Econometrics; Applied Regression Analysis: 2012-2019
  • Labor Economics (2nd year graduate, co-taught with E. Dillon): 2015-2016
  • Aarhus University

  • Intermediate Microeconomics (co-taught with N. Skipper): Spring 2012
  • Structural Estimation of Macro-Labor Models (Ph.D., co-taught with R. Vejlin): Spring 2012
  • Numerical Optimization and Parallel Programming (short Ph.D. course): Fall 2011

  • Last modified 05/2024